Sunday, September 17, 2006

I have been bad at this bloging thing

It's been a bit since my last post, so here goes.

I think that the silliest thing I have seen in the last couple of weeks is the line of people camped out to get a ticket to attend Steve Irwin's Memorial service.

Don't get me wrong, I did like the guy. I guess it's the dad in me that can not get the visual of this picture out of my head.

Yes, I know he supposedly knew what he was doing. Unfortunately, things you don’t expect do happen when dealing with wild animals. Things like getting barbed in the chest by a Sting Ray.

My thoughts are with his family.


Kimberly said...

As a parent...this photo is not all that different from the Michael Jackson hanging his baby over the balcony picture. Seems the two photos are in the same category.

AllenB said...
