Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Car Registration Today!

Finally finished up the registration after two trips to the inspection place, and two trips to the RTA (Road and Traffic Authority)

Just like at home, it happens every year. But not just like at home, you have to get an early start. And should put aside lots time and a little bit of money, cause you will need it!!!!

Driving a car is a huge expense in Australia in comparison to the states. To start with, a drivers license will cost you minimum 38 dollars for one year, 98 dollars for three, and 150 big smackers for five years. Just before I moved here three years ago, it cost me a big whooping 8 dollars for a 5 year license as long as I marked organ donor on the form.

As far as the car itself is concerned, this time around it cost me two new tyres (yes, spelled as per Australian etiquette dictates) Picked them up used from the local wrecker named U-Wreck (its where I get the car inspected) for $35 each. (I am not sure it’s a good Idea to get your car inspected for road worthy-ness at a place named U-Wreck?) An inspection fee of $30, a new set a plates for the car, for no other reason than during the inspection they thought they were faded a bit $34 umm…. Lets see, some lighter fluid from my lighter to fix the fraying on the seat belt (had to be done or had to replace the belt. ) Of course liability insurance they call a green slip $340.00 and then the registration itself which totaled $207.00. Grand total just to keep the car on the road - $681.00. I think it was more last year. In a couple of months, it will be time for Maries car to go thru it again.

Sure am glad that’s over!


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